Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mommy and Daddy get a vacation!

We were in Tampa this past weekend for Billy and Laura's wedding. It was really beautiful and we had some nice mommy and daddy time. It was great getting away for a little while! Here are just a few pictures. Our camera battery died, so no good pics of the reception unfortunately, but there are a few great pics of the beautiful golf course at cocktail hour.


The Webb's said...

Glad you guys were able to get away for some mommy/daddy time. It was great to see you all the other night. Jacob is getting so big...he's a little boy now! So smart, and so adorable.

Love you guys,
Anna, Drew and Emmy

The Nortons said...

Looks like you guys had a great time...isn't amazing how much we cherish those vacations with just the hubby?? Jacob is too cute!