Friday, March 27, 2009

Jacob updates

It's been way too long since I've posted to our blog, but just wanted to post a few interesting items:

Jacob has learned to spell his name and can almost write his name all by himself!

He was amazed by all of the snow on March 1st, but I'm such a bad mommy- I don't have any pictures of it! Daddy and I were too busy playing with him to get pictures.

He is nearly 40 inches tall! He's in the 95th percentile in height. He weighs 35 pounds and that puts him in the 50th percentile for weight. He is growing so fast! Sometimes when I look at him in his big boy bed all stretched out and sleeping, I just can't believe that he has grown so much from that scrawny 6 pound newborn into this big boy.

He continues to amaze mommy and daddy with his ever expanding vocabulary. He's quite the precocious one. He talks from the moment he wakes up until his eyes close at night--and even in his sleep!

We are at such a fun age now. He is in the magical stage where pretend rules. He uses his toys to tell us stories and even uses different voices for them. He likes to put on shows for us and insists that we introduce him with "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Jacob Ryan Shick!" Sometimes he gets stage fright and we have to clap loudly and cheer before he'll come out. My little drama king!

Also, we are continuing our Thomas the Tank Engine obsession. I thought this phase would have passed by now, but it has only intensified. If the Shick family ever runs out of money, I think we could sell his trains on ebay and be just fine. Check out the video of him with his trains!

1 comment:

The Nortons said...

So the video. Thomas is going to be around for awhile...Griffin is 4 and still loves it!! :o)